Tag: food

To (Direct) Sow or Not to Sow

To Direct Sow or Not to Sow Paraphrasing a famous soliloquy, to direct sow or not to direct sow, that…

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Food from ‘round the World

“I think you and John should write a cookbook based on your travels and romance.” This suggestion came courtesy of…

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Sharing Your Travel Story with Others

I am a sporadic journal keeper. My pages are filled with travel quotes or article ideas, photo shoots I want…

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Breakfast of Champions

Papaya, plantains, gallo pinto and more.  Breakfast of champions – and travelers to Costa Rica! #ICTrafalgarCostaRica #SimplyTrafalgar #TheGoodLife #JohnKTravel

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Ode to Fruit Salad

The noise of a hundred voices raised in good cheer, the flurry of activity, an array of colors and an…

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It’s Da Poke, Mon

Ignore the gourmet coffee counter. Wind past the baked goods tempting you to pause and linger with aromas of butter…

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